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Welcome to The Healing House, where we provide alternative pathways to healing.

The Healing House is a safe space. Here you can face and release your pain, doubts, and fears. Here you can learn to cope, flourish, and thrive.

The Healing House is a supportive community. We do not just treat symptoms. We help you come to the root of your issue and create a path forward with compassion and expertise.

At The Healing House, we empower you to tap into your innate healing potential. You work with practitioners who have had years of extensive training from top masters.

Let’s embark on this transformative journey together.

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The Healing House @ Palma

Over 20 years of research have determined that many chronic ailments are due to biotoxin issues. These include cancers and rare diseases or conditions
with unknown causes.
This deck is designed to treat biotoxin diseases,
remove biofilm and ensure the body is working properly. It is the only modality currently
researching and developing ways to self-treat this rapidly growing issue. Between GMO products, chemicals sprayed in the air, superbugs, to name
just a few – we all need a way to rid ourselves of the damage to our bodies and brains.

Chinese New Year Forecast 2025 Year of the Wood Snake Themes & Trends + Zodiac Signs

The Healing House @ Palma

The best way to begin the new Lunar Year is to know what it has in store for us.

Learn how to snake through the coming year’s hills & valleys, scale peaks & avoid pitfalls as Master Geomancer Melvin Sua discusses the General Themes & Trends + Zodiac Animal Forecast for 2025, the Year of the Wood Snake.

The talk is a collective guide for people who want a sneak preview of 2025, enabling them to maneuver around good and bad developments accordingly

Olivia Veloso – Manila 2025

The Healing House @ Palma

Book a reading or Reiki private session with Master and Teacher Olivia Veloso. Sign up for her classes and learn how Reiki can help yourself and others.

Message Ana 0917 844 4743

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